Im starting off the post with "Grandstay on the Podium"

Race update.
Depart from hotel at 7:30am. Eric (Guy who i met a few times on group rides) will be driving. Race starts at 10. a 45 minute car ride later we arrive at a high technology park or what we call commercial park not too dissimilar to opus, only a lot bigger. Driving there the only thing thats going to my head is that here i am in china and I manage to find the bike racing scene and im traveling to a race just like i was in MN. The scene seems pretty good with lots of people, bikes, registration, food... everything you would find at a local MN race except for the fact that its in China.

The race is 8 laps on a 5.5 km circuit with a sprint prime in the middle. The roads are wide open so there are no issues with any corners.
After a 15 minute warmup i head to the start and wait.

Gun goes off three guys take off for a break.... im thinking here we go again.

Once we catch the three guys.. it was time for a sprint lap... my specialty. I guess there was nothing special in the lead up to the sprint.. the speed didnt seem like it was all that fast i just waited until a few hundred meters to go and then turned on the gas.. I won it fairly easily, I dont think the second place person was expecting me to start so early. Too bad Cat was on the back side of the course taking pictures of kids in the trees.

After the sprint.. i was hurting for some reason.. probably because im Fat and out of shape or the pollution is getting to me. So i decided to take it easy until the finish. Of course the moment i decided to roll into the back of the pack, two guys attacked and got away. Since i really didnt have a team there i decided to play it safe and not try to instigate a chase.

Here comes the Rookie part.... because there was no bell, for some reason i thought we had one lap to go but it apparently was the end. ROOKIE!!!! I ended up 10 or so, not bad for someone who was just rolling it in thinking there was one more to go. At least i won the intermediate sprint and got to go on the podium.
oh.. they have podium girls here!!!!! I was quite pleased.. Check out the pic of Cat kissing some guy on the cheek, she got volunteered to be a podium girl for the B race.

Group shot of a local Chinese team

NEXT RACE... November 18th
Congrats! You are so blending in with the local Chinese dudes in the last photo!! :-)
Oh, yeah...
You're fat.
And I'm ambitious.
represent!! thanks bro.
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