Sunday, October 14, 2007

First Blog from China

Well, my original stance on a blog is that why would anyone spend the time to read anything I type. I figured though, since I moved to china I can come up with a few interesting topics. At least Dave Z. will read my blog since he does nothing at work except for reading blogs anyway.

Technically I cant read bogs in China (even my own), but ill post a few quirky daily life stuff I come across while i'm here.

Well i'll start off by saying after Cat getting hit with food poisoning 1 hr into a 24 hour trip and 3 days in a hospital, we are finally getting settled. Granted we're living out of a hotel with our luggage, but its better than the hospital.

Second part is the fact that I found the LBS which sells high end products... Not sure how the locals afford it but I guess its there for the foreigners like me. I stopped by long enough to find out that there are a few people that ride on the weekends from where I will live. Also found the local message-board ( where apparently there was a CRIT today and I still don't have my bike yet.

Any how I guess this will be good for my first post... will post more soon.


Unknown said...

when do you want your first training plan?????

Chia said...

I have to get thru another 3 weeks living in a hotel before i can move into my new apt.. im dying to ride..

S1 said...

Hey chia, keep writing, it's very interesting to us here in predictable MN. Say hi to Cat from us, hope she's better now.

Anonymous said...

Ummm...when/why/what/how did you get to China? Is it some sort of business trip or are you there for good?